100% Verified Profile
We try to verify every profile personally. Also we take photo and video for more transparency,.More...
We try to verify every profile personally. Also we take photo and video for more transparency,.More...
It is better to watch Introduction Video by sitting home rather than visiting personally , because it saves time and money ,.More...
We will provide you Kundali Matching report without leaving your home,.More...
We love to keep relations strong and hate to ask money, so we are offering Lifetime membership till you get married,.More...
We also love to save internet data like you. Our website is mobile friendly and eats lower data,.More...
It's proud that Marathi people are located in all over the world . We will love take them onboard by our online process,.More...
Why always visit website ? Why normal message ? Why shy ? You can chat on website also you will get notified by mail or SMS*,.More...
You will get access to all* services Without Adding your own Introduction Video.
You will get access to all* services By Adding your own Introduction Video.
माझ्या बहिणींच्या लग्नाच्या अनुभवावरून मी नक्कीच सांगेन प्रत्येक वेळी संस्थे मध्ये जाऊन फाईल बघण्यापेक्षा घरी बसून भाऊजी शोधणे खूपच उत्तम राहिले असते . लग्नबंध हा मराठी वधू वर सूचक उपक्रम नक्कीच लाभदायक ठरेल आणि माफक वर्गणी मुले पैसे सुद्धा वाचतील
"Other websites are charging more than 3000 per year with many limitations , I was waiting for this type of website which will help all marathi samaj. Hope so lagnabandha will add more marathi caste early as possible